Principles of Fermentation Processes

UCL Bloomsbury Campus

30 September - 2 October 2024

£1750 Special prices for group packages and SMEs available.

Focusing on how to specify the process and the fundamentals for characterisation, this module will strengthen your knowledge of fermentation processes and through a series of lectures and case studies.

It will enable you to:

  • Define different modes of fermentation and know their limitations.

  • Develop a suitable medium and perform a material balance.

  • Interpret fermentation data and use it effectively.

  • Characterise the kinetics of cell growth and how they apply to different cell systems.

  • Determine fermentation productivity and yields.

  • Learn about new developments in fermentation technology (single use bioreactors)

  • Develop a strategy for fermentation process development.

Suitable for scientists and engineers who wish to familiarise themselves with fermentation processes and those who wish to build underlying principles into their operational expertise in areas of research, process development and manufacturing.

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